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How to Tell When to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

Even if you haven’t had to fix any electrical problems in your home, you should still regularly check your electric panel, but how can you tell when it needs to be upgraded?

If your panel shows signs of rust or scorching, that is a definite indication that something needs to be fixed or upgraded, but there are other signs and instances that can show you that your electrical system is ready for a new electrical box.

How to Tell When to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

1. You Have an Older Home

Regardless of how well your electric panel is working, it should be replaced every 25-40 years. If your home is around that age and you haven’t don’t have a new electrical box, you could be putting the household in danger with a fire hazard.

An old panel can usually mean old wiring, and the older it gets, the more likely it is to be faulty. Here in America, faulty wiring is a top contender for causing fires in the home. Some telltale signs of faulty wires are flickering electricity, sparking on power outlets, small electric shocks, the smell of burning, or even a warm electrical panel. These older panels are also not made to hold the constant electricity we consume, televisions in multiple rooms, and electronics constantly needing to be charged. If you have to use multiple power strips throughout your home, you have a definite need for a panel upgrade.

2. You Introduce New Appliances

As you upgrade your home to more modern and new appliances, your electric panel may not have enough capacity to handle it. If you plan on installing a bigger appliance, like an air conditioner or refrigerator, you should probably also look into getting a new electric panel to avoid the circuit breakers tripping throughout your home and possibly damaging the appliance.

3. You Have a Fuse Box

Fuse boxes are a thing of the past, but not only for vanity or efficiency but for safety. Some insurance providers may even refuse to cover a home with a fuse box! If that doesn’t spell danger, then what does? Also, a circuit breaker can easily be reset by the homeowner and doesn’t need to be replaced if tripped like a fuse.

Upgrading your electrical panel may also help you to save costs on electricity in the long run, reduce some homeowner insurance, and increase your home’s value. And who doesn’t love a reliable, steady stream of electricity delivered safely to your home?

Ensure your home’s panel and electricity is up to code, and working at their best, by contacting Colvin Electric to get a licensed, thoroughly vetted Service Technician, with 10+ years of experience, who is committed to providing you with a professional, five-star experience!

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