Is It Time To Check Your Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors?
If you can’t remember the last time you checked your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector, make that your next task, as they are supposed to be checked once a month! And if you’ve recently checked it, when’s the last time you changed the batteries or made sure it isn’t expired? Let us give you a small timeline on the life of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and why they are one of the most important devices in your home.
What’s the Difference Between a Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector?
Smoke detectors sense smoke, which usually indicates a fire is nearby. When smoke is detected by the device, it emits an alarm to let the household know there could be a fire nearby.
A Carbon monoxide detector helps to alert your household with an early warning of the poisonous gas. Known as a silent killer, this gas is basically invisible without the use of a detector, which should put weight on the importance of this device.
These gas leaks can come from any fuel-burning device like a furnace, dryer, or even a fireplace.
Both of these devices are recommended to be on all levels of the home so you can be alerted of an emergency no matter where they are. It’s also recommended to put carbon monoxide detectors in sleeping areas and common rooms for extra safety.
How Long Are Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Good for?
Think about adding your smoke detector to part of regular monthly house duties as it should be tested at least every month. If it doesn’t seem loud enough it may be time to replace the batteries. The device should also be clean and dust-free. Most models of smoke detectors can last for ten years at the most.
Your carbon monoxide detectors should be tested regularly and at least once a month. If the device takes batteries, they should be changed a least every six months. Unlike smoke detectors, these have to be changed out every five to seven years.
Contact Colvin Electric Today
Both of these devices are necessary and in some places, it is even illegal to rent out a home missing a smoke detector. Need your carbon monoxide or smoke detector replaced? When you call us at Colvin Electric, you get a licensed Technician with years of experience to help ensure that your family can be alarmed of dangers in the home.